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Ahearn IA, Court HR, Siddiqui F, Abankwa D, and Philips MR. NRAS is Unique Among RAS Proteins in Requiring ICMT for Trafficking to the Plasma Membrane. Life Science Alliance, 2021, 4(5):e202000972. PMID 33579760.

Zhou M, Kuruvilla L, Shi X, Viviano S, Ahearn IM, Amendola CR, Su W, Mahaffey JP, Fehrenbacher N, Schlessinger J, Turk BE, Calderwood DA and Philips MR.  Scaffold association factor B (SAFB) is required for expression of prenyltransferases and RAS membrane association.  . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117:31914-22, 2020.  PMID: 33257571.

Parker SJ, Amendola CR, Hollinshead KER, Yu O, Yamamoto K, Encarnación-Rosado J, Rose RE, LaRue M, Sohn ASW, Biancur DE, Paulo JA, Gygi SP, Jones DR, Wang H, Philips MR, Bar-Sagi D, Mancias JD, and Kimmelman AC.  Selective alanine transporter utilization creates a targetable metabolic niche in pancreatic cancer.  Cancer Discov. 10(7):1018-1037, 2020. PMID: 32341021.

Amendola CR*, Mahaffey JP*, Parker SJ, Ahearn IM, Chen WC, Zhou M, Court HR, Shi J, Mendoza SL, Morten M, Rothenberg E, Gottlieb E, Wadghiri YZ, Possemato R, Hubbard SR, Balmain A, Kimmelman A, and Philips MR.  KRAS4A directly regulated Hexokinase 1.  Nature. 576:482-86, 2019.  PMID: 31827279.

Marín-Ramos NI, Balabasquer M, Ortega-Nogales FJ, Torrecillas IR, Gil-Ordóñez A, Marcos-Ramiro B, Aguilar-Garrido P, Cushman I, Romero A, Medrano FJ, Gajate C, Mollinedo F, Philips MR, Campillo M, Gallardo M, Martín-Fontecha M, López-Rodríguez ML, Ortega-Gutiérrez S.  A potent isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltransferase (ICMT) inhibitor improves survival in RAS-driven acute myeloid leukemia.  J Med Chem. 62:6035-6046, 2019. PMID 30228186.

Kuchay S, Wang H, Marzio A, Jain K, Homer H, Fehrenbacher N, Philips MR, Zheng N, Pagano MJ. GGTase3 is a newly identified geranylgeranyltransferase targeting a ubiquitin ligase. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 26:628-636, 2019.  PMID:  31209342.

Chang YC, Su W, Cho E, Huang Q, Philips MR* and Wu* J. Molecular basis for autoinhibition of RIAM regulated by FAK. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 116:3524-29, 2019.  PMID: 30733287.

Zhou, M. and Philips MR. Where no Ras has gone before: VPS35 steers N-Ras through the cytosol.  Small GTPases. 10:20-25; 2019. PMID 28129035.

Choi BH, Chen C, Philips MR, Chen Y, Lu L and Dai W. K-Ras lysine 42 is crucial for its signaling, cell migration, and invasion.  J. Biol. Chem. 293:17574-17581, 2018. PMID 30228186.

Cannataro VL, Gaffney SG, Stender C, Zhao ZM, Philips MR, Greenstein AE, and Townsend JP.  Heterogeneity and mutation in KRAS and associated oncogenes: evaluating the potential for the evolution of resistance to targeting of KRAS G12C.  Oncogene. 37:2444-55, 2018. PMID 29453361.

Waters AM, Ozkan-Dagliyan I, Vaseva AV, Fer N, Strathern LA, Hobbs GA, Tessier-Cloutier B, Gillette WK, Bagni R, Whiteley GR, Hartley JL, McCormick F, Cox AD, Houghton PJ, Huntsman DG, Philips MR, Der CJ.  Evaluation of the selectivity and sensitivity of isoform- and mutation-specific RAS antibodies.  Sci Signal. 2017 Sep 26;10(498):eaao3332. PMID 28951536.

Choi BH, Chen C, Philips MR, Dai W. RAS GTPases are modified by SUMOylation.  Oncotarget. 9:4440-50, 2017. PMID 29435114.

Court H, Amoyel M, Ahearn IM, Bach E and Philips MR.  Regulation of NOTCH signaling by RAB7 and RAB8 requires carboxylmethylation by ICMT.  J. Cell Biol. 216:4165-82, 2017. PMID 29051265.

Fehrenbacher N, Tojal da Silva I, Cho KJ, Ramirez C, Zhou, Y, Cho KJ, Kuchay S, Shi J, Thomas S, Pagano M, Hancock J., Bar-Sagi, D. and Philips MR. GPR31 Promotes Membrane Association of Kras.  J Cell Biol. 216:2329-38, 2017. PMID 28619714.

Zhou, M, Wiener H, Su W,  Zhou Y, Liot C, Hancock JF and Philips MR. VPS35 binds farnesylated N-Ras in the cytosol to regulate N-Ras trafficking.  J. Cell Biol. 214:445-58, 2016. PMID 27502489.

Su W, Wynne J, Pinheiro EM, Strazza M, Mor A, Montenont E, Berger J, Paul DS, Bergmeier W, Gertler FB, Philips MR.  Rap1 and its effector riam are required for lymphocyte trafficking.  Blood. 126:2695-703, 2015. PMID: 26324702.  (Perspective:  Calderwood, DA, Blood 126:2658-9, PMID 26679542).

Tsai FD, Lopes MS, Zhou M, Court HR, Ponce O, Fiordalisi J, Gierut J, Cox A, Haigis K, and Philips MR.  The K-Ras4A Splice Variant is Widely Expressed in Cancer and Utilizes a Hybrid Membrane Targeting Motif.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 112:779-84, 2015.  PMID 25561545.