Regulation of glycolysis by RAS 


The rewiring of tumor metabolism by oncogenic RAS is a hallmark of RAS-driven cancer and represents a vulnerability that might be exploited therapeutically. Having defined hexokinase 1 (HK1) as an effector of KRAS4A we are working on the mechanism whereby KRAS4A regulates the activity of HK1. We also are pursuing preliminary evidence of the direct regulation by RAS of other enzymes in the glycolytic pathway. These studies employ a wide range of techniques from classical biochemical and biophysical analysis to live-cell imaging and quantitative fluorescence. Collaborators include Alec Kimmelman, Stevan Hubbard, Richard Possemato and Dafna Bar-Sagi (NYU). 


Compartmentalized signaling of RAS and RAP1


Splice variants of KRAS